Project Butterfly: Immersive Virtual Reality for Physical Exercises

The goal of Project Butterfly (PBF) is to create a controlled immersive media environment for the adaptable and translatable therapeutic movement, which incorporates runtime data feedback on player movement performance and behavioral analysis. Its aims are to bridge the gap between therapists and at home users undergoing repetitive exercise and physical therapy through mapping movement by “on-the-fly” motion capture for gamified scenarios such as protecting a virtual butterfly and catching crystals. Pilot work was conducted to explore how Mirror Visual Feedback Therapy could be translated into an immersive virtual reality environment through exploring how users protect a virtual butterfly with head-mounted display systems and wearable soft robotic exosuits.

Here is a video of the first iteration prototype for PBF:

ResearchersAviv Elor, Michael Powell (DANSER Labs), Evanjelin Mahmoodi, Mircea Teodorescu (DANSER Labs), Sri Kurniawan